

I got some good news about this pain I've been having, or at least some news about how I'm medicating it. After talking to two doctors today, they both agreed that my medication dosage needs to be changed to accommodate this new level of pain. David reminded me that when we were first starting out with this, I told the doctors that I didn't want to be on heavy pain medication, so my pills have low milligrams of the drugs and I can be taking more without becoming a drug addict. So, instead of taking one pill in the morning and one in the evening, I will be taking two in the morning and two in the evening, with the option to take another one midday if needed. That will be a significant increase in the drugs I'm taking, but I think I need it to deal with the pain. I was getting discouraged thinking that the pain was too much for the meds, so it was a relief to find out that I can safely use more medication to fight the pain.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sometimes we think medication is a sign of weakness. It is NOT! I remember when my David would not even take Tylenol...Cowboy Tough, right? Do what you need to do in order to find comfort. It is the only way your body can heal. You are in our every prayer and we know the power of prayer! Morgan's friend Raley was diagnosed with a brain tumor two days after Nationals. They thought it was cancerous, she nearly died on the table during her 2nd Brain Surgery, had no feeling or movement on her right side and was basically diagnosed as terminal. She is now in recovery and rehab for her right side (which had no movement for days), the tumor, although consisted of abnormal cells, is not cancerous, and she is going to be ok. God is great and the power of prayer is remarkable! We pray for your pain relief and your healing.

With love and blessings,
The Howard Family