
Day of Rest

I planned to rest today, since I have seen from past experience that I need to rest after a stay in the hospital. My sisters wanted to come out to visit, and I said that I would be resting and maybe another day would be better. As the day got going, I actually felt stronger than usual, so I called and said to come on out. They came out and we visited and had a nice day. We even walked over to my mother-in-law's house and I felt good.

The one complaint I have is that my feet are swollen, which is a little painful for me. I have tried icing them, which was uncomfortable and didn't really help. I tried a few other things, and in the end, having David rub my feet was what helped the most. As long as I stayed off my feet, they were o.k., but when I got up again, the swelling came back. I am going to try sleeping with them up on a pillow tonight so we'll see how they do tomorrow.

For the upcoming week, I have blood work on Tuesday, I'll talk to the doctor on Wednesday, and hopefully I'll have chemo on Thursday. Thank you so much for the prayers and kind words. It means so much to me!


Anonymous said...

Oh, Sheri! I am so glad to hear that your counts are down and you are feeling stronger! I will continue to keep you in my prayers!
Love and Blessings,

Kristie Weddell said...

Well it sounds like you had a great day. That is a little strange about your feet though. Happy to hear you are feelimg stronger, because that is what it is going to take to beat this thing. Keep resting and eating. Were praying for low numbers. Love The Weddell's