

Today I had some really bad pain. Not just bad pain, but a horrible, sharp, cramping pain in my back and side from my liver. I couldn't sit or stand and we really weren't sure what to do. We thought the hospital could deliver better or more efficient pain meds through an IV, but Dr. Abrass told me if the pain gets really bad I could take two pain pills. I took two pills, David rubbed my back, which didn't prove to be as helpful as you might think, and he put one of the pain patches on my back. Somehow the combination of those things made the pain subside enough that I could lay down this afternoon. I was able to eat after that and I have felt better this evening since then.

I can manage pain, but I know this disease is progressing in the wrong direction. That's the part that is hard to deal with.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear this latest news. We will continue our prayers for you and your family. Be strong!
Love and Blessings,
Neil and Tracy

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you. I feel the ache and pain in your words and wish I could take it from you. I pray God will confort and strenghten you and your family.
Dale Nance

the Corkills said...

I am so sorry for everything that you are having to endure day in and day out. As always I am amazed at how strong you are. You are fortunate to have such a caring family and so many, many friends that also care about you. I hope the pain meds work and that you start feeling better.
Love, the Corkills

Kristie Weddell said...

We are praying for better days. I am so sorry to hear that you are in so much pain. I cant even imagine what you are going through, but you are so strong, so try to keep eating for strength. We miss you, it was nice running into you the other day at volleyball. Maybe you'll be able to get out again. Love The Weddell's

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you are hurting so badly. Hopefully today will be a better day. David, you are an amazing man. I will continue to pray for you and your family. Stay strong, keep fighting.

Rhonda said...

So sorry to hear your latest news about the pain. I thought about you a lot yesterday and today so thought I had better drop a note. We love you and will keep praying for you and your family. Rest and eat or drink as much as you can.
Love Rhonda and family.

Unknown said...


We are so sorry for the pain you are feeling. Your strength continues to amaze us. The strength of your family is remarkable and we are in awe! We are praying for you daily. Prayer is remarkable and miracles happen...every day. Stay strong and be blessed.
The Howard Family

Purrell Family said...

We continue to keep you in our daily thoughts. We wish we could wave a magic wand and take your pain away.


The Purrells

Unknown said...

We just got back yesterday. Hoping your pain is better by now. The magic wand sounds wonderful. Sorry I can't locate mine to give you. You are in our prayers.

Love and gentle hugs, Bob and Faye

Lyle and Lori said...

Every day when I log on I am amazed at the comments and thoughts and prayers sent your way. It is a testament to the kind of person that you are. So many friends and family that love, care and are genuinely concerned for you and your family. As has been said many times, your strength and courage amaze every one of us. As fast Sunday approaches this week, know that your and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers, as always. We love you and pray for some positive news and results this week.
XOPXOP, Lyle, Lori, Ali & Emily

Elizabeth "Betsy" said...

I'm so sorry this has to be a part of your life. I cry every time something gets harder for you. You are in our prayers and thoughts, as well. Didn't know if you'd heard - we had our baby on the 9th - a 10 lb. boy, Joshua. I miss you in Relief Society each week! Feel better! Love, Liz P.