
Good News/Bad News

I'll start with the bad news. We went in for my chemo appointment and after meeting with the doctor, he decided I should not have chemo today. The doctor said I am frail (I lost quite a bit of weight last week), exhausted, my bili is too high, and the chemo from last week is still in my system. Dr. Abrass said that I am to eat, eat, eat! He suggested eating hot fudge sundaes all day, but I don't think I my body could take that right now. I will go in Monday for bloodwork and then talk to Dr. Abrass on Tuesday to make a plan for my next chemo.

The good news is that I was really relieved not to have to go through that so soon, even though I know I need it. The whole morning I was dreading the appointment, so it was a blessing to me to have a bit longer to recuperate. I think I'll be able to handle it better if I can get a little more of my strength back. Then we were in Reno with nothing scheduled, so we went to my mom's house. David ran some errands and two of my sisters and a niece and nephew came to visit. It was so nice to be out of my house and to see my family and to be awake long enough to enjoy seeing them.

Another good thing for me was that two dear friends organized a little cleaning spree at my house today. Now my house is absolutely sparkling! I think I rest better in a clean house, so this is just what I needed. Also, we have received many delicious meals and we have felt the countless prayers. Thank you all for thinking of us. We so appreciate your love and kindness!


Carolyn Greene said...

I'm so glad you have more time to rest between treatments, but you have to eat, eat, eat! Whatever you can get and keep down to build your strength. We are praying daily that your billi count will come down.

The Youngs said...

How nice that you were able to enjoy some family time while in Reno! I hope another week of resting & eating more does the trick for next week! I wish my doctor would tell me to eat hot fudge sundaes all day. :) Still praying for you & thinking of you daily.

Corinne & Family

Lyle and Lori said...

How wonderful that you are surrounded by so much family that live close by and tons and tons of friends that love you and are willing to help you at any given moment. I am both happy and bummed for you about the last blog. Take the time this next week and build up some of that energy you'll need for your next treatment. Our family loves and prays for you and your family.
XOPXOP, Lyle, Lori and girls

Unknown said...

I just wanted to say hello and tell you my prayers are with you. I am all too familiar with liver disease I am so sorry you are having to go through this. I don't know that I could do anything to help, but please know you are on my heart. I ask Julene about you every time we talk. My platelets have tanked along with my other blood work after a steady improvement after the chemo. So, I am not sure what is in store for me either. Take care; eat what you can, when you can and keep leaning into the Lord. God Bless!
