
First Chemo

This was a day I'd been both looking forward to and dreading at the same time. As of this evening, I can say that it wasn't too bad and I was even pleasantly surprised by several elements of my first chemo treatment.

I had to be weighed before starting the process today, and the tech who was doing this offered to take my purse, which was a "Life is Good" bookbag. Then I showed him that it contained all my bile bags and tubes, so it stayed with me while I was weighed. They put the IV into my arm, a few inches above my wrist. They had to do a lot of vein-tapping and even use a hot pad to find a vein. I guess my veins are not what they used to be.

The first surprise was the comfy recliner treatment chair. I haven't been comfortable (or pain-free) for very long in any chair or bed without lots of adjustments to make my back feel better. I even brought my pillow for my back, just in case, which I didn't need. The room where my treament was had about 15 chairs. When I walked in, there was one empty chair just waiting for me. There were lots of ladies in scarves, and I was seated by two ladies that informed me I wouldn't need my book because I was in the party section. They also suggested a patch that has helped their back pain, which I got samples of and I can't wait to try. I may have other ailments, but hopefully this will get rid of the back pain.

The next surprise of the day was the people. These ladies were right, I was in the party section. They loved to talk and I realized every person in that room has a story to share about their cancer and treatment. They were mostly older than me. The lady next to me held my hand and massaged my arm. When she left, she gave me her phone number. I hadn't thought about lunch, but these women were pulling out snacks left and right. One lady shared her red cherries with me which were so good, and another shared her granola bars. Another lady had a whole ice chest of food. David brought me lunch, but these ladies kept me snacking until I had lunch. I actually think I ate more being there than I do in a normal day. We passed the time by talking and snacking and by the time I left that room, I felt like I had a whole new set of friends.

I learned a few things while I was there from the nurse and patients. I got information about ordering wigs and scarves. The ladies said wigs are expensive and uncomfortable and that scarves are the way to go. Because of my low-dose chemo, it may take three weeks instead of two, but the nurse says I will lose all my hair. I'm hoping to keep my eyebrows and lashes, but there's no way to predict if that will work out for me, we'll just have to wait and see. The nurse also said that I will have flu-like symptoms tomorrow like aches, vomitting, and fever. I told her I have nauseau medication, but she said even with the meds, I will probably be sick tomorrow.

I am scheduled to do this again next Thursday, assuming my white and red blood counts are good. I was worried about having another treatment again in just one week when most of the other patients only come every two or three weeks. Joyce sitting next to me said, "An IV once a week is nothing, you can do that." I think she's right; I can do this.


The Draper Family said...

YES, you can do this! I've been thinking of you all day, and I was relieved to log onto your blog and see that you've already updated it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'll be praying that your blood counts stay good and that your side affects are minimal. Hang in there!


Heidi said...

You CAN do it! And you WILL! I'm so glad that you had as good of an experience as one can have getting chemo. I'd say they definitely put you in the right section...PARTY! Our prayers keep going up...I know you'll be blessed and that you'll be able to continue. LIVESTRONG!

The Youngs said...

I'm so happy your first treatment went so well! Sounds like you're in good hands & have made some amazing new friends to help you through this next step. I hope the side affects are not too bad & that everything goes as scheduled for next week. We still think of you & pray for you daily. In fact, tonight during family prayers Caylee said all by herself: "And please bless Sherri Faught". She was so pleased that she remembered you & wanted to know if you would be happy & feel better tomorrow because she blessed you. You are such an amazing person. Keep on keepin' on!

Corinne & family

terra said...

I have finally decided to leave a comment instead of being a silent supporter! It sounds like you met some amazing ladies today, I am glad it went well. Good luck with tomorrow, and it was good to see your beautiful smile in the picture. Take care. Koenig's

millie said...

we know you can do this! You have done so much already. I hear scarves are the new blonde. You make me want to meet your new wonderful friends and you just keep partying with them. If you ever need a ride to treatments I could take you.

Clint and Lori said...

YOU CAN DO THIS! You have shown such great strength through this. Stay strong and we'll add to our prayers that your blood count stays good. Sounds like a great group of friends, might as well have a party and enjoy yourself than be by yourself!
Clint, Lori, and Kids

Anonymous said...

I am so pleased your day went well. When mom had her treatments there, I was absolutely amazed at the nurses and patients in the "chemo" room. They are truly one of a kind!
Take care of yourself and we will continue praying for minimal side effects and good blood counts.
Blessings and Friendship,
Neil and Tracy

Anonymous said...

You amaze me. You look fantastic in the picture. You are going to get through this, just keep up your unbelievably positive attitude. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you, David and the kids.

the Corkills said...

There is probably nothing better than getting to talk to some people who really know what you are going through and have learned some tricks to make the treatments go easier. As strong as you are you will definitely be able to handle this and we will be thinking about you and hoping that this will help.
Love, the Corkills

Unknown said...

I am sure today was awesome...I know how good it feels to be pro-active. By the way your hair looks as gorgeous as ever BUT with or without it, you are beautiful.
Stay strong and positive. We pray for you and your family daily.
Be Blessed,
The Howard Family
David, Machele, Morgan, Kenady & Sydney