
Taking a Deep Breath

Should I start with the bad news or the good news? Ok, we'll get the bad news over with first. I had my blood drawn and tested today. My bilirubin level has gone up to a 10.7. I had hoped the drains were helping but it seems they are not doing the job. That level is way too high to start chemo. There is talk of giving me a Sentinel patch to manage the pain and to improve “quality of life.” I’m not quite sure “pain management” and “quality of life” belong in the same sentence.

I have an appointment with Dr. Abrass in Reno tomorrow. We will see what he recommends. Today I feel frustrated but I’m trying hard not to give up hope. I’m not sure what God’s plans are for me and am a little confused at this point. However, I’m not quite done praying for miracles.

Better news. I was able to meet my goal to drink 3 entire Ensures today and I’m not nearly as nauseous recently. I have been able to consume (and keep) additional calories so I am hoping for a little bit of weight gain. I have slightly more energy as I eat more but am still so fatigued by all the things I used to take for granted -- like taking a shower or getting dressed. My mom stayed for a couple days and was really helpful. I now have clean laundry, vacuumed floors, and spotless bathrooms. Thanks, Mom!


Tony and Terry said...

I just had a thought, when I was in the hospital last week for my surgery they gave me a patch for nausea (it didn't work)then when I got home Tony went and got me the wrist bands that are used for nausea also. I'm going to tell you I was not so sure they would work since I had been nauseous for 3 days. They have no medicine in them, they work by pressure points in your wrist. It really worked, maybe they would help you. I am done with mine or you can get them at Raleys, just say the word and I will bring them to you, it's worth a try.

Carolyn Greene said...


It is so hard to know God's plan for us. All we can do is place our trust in Him. I am praying for you daily.


Purrell Family said...

You are such an inspiration! We are in awe at your strength and determination. We are thinking about you daily.


The Purrells

Unknown said...

Oh Sheri...your courage and strength continue to amaze me. As I read your daily blogs, I am ashamed to admit...I am sobbing. You are so candid and it is awesome. We continue to pray for you and your healing.
Be Blessed,
The Howard Family

Pinder Pack said...

None of us are done praying for miracles for you. I think of you often each day wondering how you are doing, lifting up a prayer each time. I am sure that is happening all over this town and beyond throughout each day. Today we'll pray Dr. Abrass has a good idea, good news, something good for you.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you get many suggestions and have done research, but I was wondering if you have heard of a place called City of Hope in LA. My uncle went there when he was diagnosed with cancer. The facility is at the forefront of cancer research and we believe they created a miracle for our family. They only take patients other doctors have turned down for treatment. Maybe they can make you their next miracle. I will continue to pray for you and your family to find strength and courage.

The Draper Family said...

I don't even know what to say. You are truly an inspiration to all of us who are following your blog and who have the privilege of calling you a friend. The God that created this earth is holding you in his arms and has a special plan for Cheryl Luanne Faught! We are all still praying for your miraculous healing. Stay strong in your faith and hold onto your amazing positive attitude.

Hardly an hour passes that I don't think of you and with that thought a prayer is sent up for you, David, and the kids, and I'm sure the same can be said for the almost 9,000 other people who are watching your blog. That's a lot of prayer!

Be strong my friend.


CherylV said...

You know that you are in our thoughts every minute of the day. Sadie's first order of business everyday is to read your blog!

You are our strength and you are such an inspiration to all who know and love your. Pretty sure miracles probably do not happen over night but they do happen! No one is giving up praying for you anytime soon!

The Venturacci's