
Quiet Day

I have felt pretty good today. Hadley and Logan left early this morning to go on the church Youth Conference Trek. They were pretty excited. They are supposed to be roughing it, (no phones!), so I will be excited to hear all about it when they get back on Saturday.

I ran some errands with my mother-in-law. I got the Wal-Mart shopping done, then had to send Sheryl into Raley's for me. I guess one store was all I could handle today. We are getting ready for my friend Milray to come tomorrow. She gets in at 10:30 a.m. and Alex is going to pick her up at the airport. Aside from that, I am just trying to be comfortable enough to get some rest in my unusually quiet house.


Kristie Weddell said...

I'm glad to hear that you feel well enough to go grocery shopping, and prepare for your friend. You will have a nice visit I'm sure. Let her pamper you. My house has been quiet also, the girls have been gone, and I don't like it. Well enjoy your friend, and keep up the good work, your count will keep coming down, I just know it. Love The Weddell's

Anonymous said...

Hi, Sheri~
I'm glad to hear that you had a good day today. I understand about the quiet house thing. Enjoy it and take advantage of it while you can~let the quiet wash over you and help you rest and heal.
I'm glad Milray will be here tomorrow to visit and take care of you. Enjoy the time with her.
Please get in touch if you or your family need anything...we're here for you.
Friendship and Blessings,
Neil and Tracy

bridg said...

I am so glad you got to go to Alex's graduation. I know it meant a lot to you. You are such a wonderful mother. I have been praying for you everyday. I know your counts will go down. You are so strong Wal-mart is a huge task. I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your friend. If you need anything please let me know.