
San Francisco - Day 3

We are home now, but here's an update from our third day in San Francisco. They took my blood early Friday morning and my bili count was an 8.6. I had been fasitng and I was really weak and sick and not able to eat. There was a chance I would get another bili tube put in to help with the draining, but Dr. Warren decided that it is too risky to put in another bili tube in that part of my liver.

David discussed with them our need to begin treatment which may require us to take a few risks. But the doctor said that there was a chance of internal bleeding and infection if they added teh new tube. Either of these could require an extended hospital stay and it would be very painful for me with the way the new tube would need to be positioned. They talked a lot about my quality of life. I don't really think that eating, sleeping and feeling sick is a great way to spend my life, but it is better than being in the hospital for weeks on end. So, we are hoping the new positioning of my original two drains will help get my count down. We will wait for three weeks. I will get my bloodwork done on Wednesdays in the meantime.

We started the drive home late. We got in at 1:00 a.m. on Saturday. I am trying to do more than sleep and eat, but that's about all I could do on Saturday because I felt so nauseous. It's a little discouraging, but I realize that it could be worse. I'm glad to be home and hoping for some good progress with my bili tubes.


Lyle and Lori said...

Hey Faughts,
Just sending a note filled with love. We are packed and ready for camp in the morning. I am already on countdown mode for Friday at 11:00 when we pull out of camp and head for home though. Saturday morning I am whipping up a batch of cinnamon rolls and hope you'll feel like company. I'll call first just to make sure.
Mammoth here we come!
XOXO, Lori

Anonymous said...

Hi Sheri,
I just found out about this site yesterday. I have been thinking about you and praying for you since I heard. I was in Fallon for graduation and wanted desperately to come see you, but I decided you probably had enough on your plate. I will continue to pray for you and your family. I still can't believe Alex and Kenny graduated. Be strong, you are such a courageous woman.
Love Always,

Sherri Lynn said...

Congratulations on your bili count reducing! Love to hear you have made progress! I was hoping to stop by ths week for a quick visit. Let me know what works for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. You are truly an amazing women!!

Hope to hear from you soon!! Keep up the good work!!!
