
New Pain

I did not get my blood work done today. I am still so exhausted from last week's chemo and I really need to get my appetite back so I can regain some strength. Then I can think about another round of chemo. I have slept a lot of the day today. I have a new pain in my left side, so we'll have to see how that develops.


Unknown said...

Bob and I dropped by today, you were sleeping away and we told David to let you sleep. Had a nice visit with David and got an update on his bike adventures and Logan.

We'll come by again, hopefully your pain will be better.

Gentle hugs and kisses, Bob and Faye

Lyle and Lori said...

I wasn't surprised to hear that the chemo for this week was postponed. I'm sure your Dr. wants you feeling a little more "chipper" before he continues. So rest & rest & eat & eat. XOPXOP, Lori

frenchyandcarol said...

you know what the saying is, your body repairs while you sleep, so sleep as much as your body needs and when you wake up, eat, eat, and then eat some more. even if it is just small portions. i know that is easier said than done, but keep on trying. you really are an amazing lady.love and prayers
frenchy and carol