
Getting Better

Today was a good day. I am finally feeling better and more energetic. I have been up a little bit more and I have been able to eat. I am having major swelling problems, up to my knees! I still have the pain in my side, but I am trying to ignore it. My home health nurse has been keeping in touch with me and that is very comforting to have her checking up on me at home. My plan for the weekend is just to rest and eat so I can regain some strength, then we'll see what the doctor orders for next week.

Thank you all for being the most supportive friends ever. You might think people would get tired of being so kind to my family in this ordeal, but we continue to be blessed by your kindness. Thank you for the meals, cards, love and prayers. We appreciate it!


Lyle and Lori said...

I am so glad that you are feeling better and regaining your strength just in time to enjoy the 3-day weekend with your family. We are heading down to Vegas again tomorrow to see the kids and grandbaby. They are going to have her blessed on Sunday. Derek is great to let me borrow his laptop and check your blog while I'm there. No I'm not a "stalker", just a concerned friend. Thinking and praying for you always. XOPXOP, Lori

Heidi said...

Just a reminder that I am praying for you every day! LIVESTRONG


Purrell Family said...

It was so good to see you yesterday and be able to visit for a little bit. Your strength is incredible! Please let us know if you need anything. Logan's a great nurse, so sweet how she takes care of you...a mother's dream:))
Take Care...rest and eat, eat, eat.

Vickie and Family

CherylV said...


So happy to hear that your getting back your energy. I'm sure you are frustrated with being so sleepy but I think it happens for a reason!

Hope to talk to you soon!

Unknown said...

Happy to hear good news, but not any happier than you are. Hope something is found to help your swelling and pain soon.

Sr Pro Rodeo, at least my part is about under control(big relief). I'm not taking it on next year. We are heading to CA on the 16th. Will see the great grand baby, who is always asking where's Bob? We are going to an 80th birthday party for a long time friend. Will be back about the 22nd.

Looks like the weather will be a little cooler for the weekend. Maybe you can get out on the patio and enjoy some fresh air and your family.

Gentle hugs and kisses, Bob and Faye

Unknown said...

We are glad to hear that you are feeling better! Perfect timing...a long weekend with your family. You guys are in our prayers daily.

Be Blessed,

The Howard Family