
Still Recovering

Since I have been back from San Francisco, I have been in quite a lot of pain. I spent the day today sitting in the chair talking to my mother-in-law. I can't lie down because it is hard to get up when I've been down and hard to lie down again after I have to get up from the bed. I alternate between sitting in the chair and standing up and holding onto the chair when the sitting gets too painful. I am hoping that because I did not spend a lot of time down today that I will be able to sleep tonight.

I didn't talk to the doctor today. When I ask questions, there aren't a lot of answers. I guess there's not a set of predictable patterns my illness is following. But I am not draining like I thought I would after this surgery.

On the bright side, Logan made a delicious chili last night - I am telling you she is getting to be a great cook!


Unknown said...


We are so sorry you are in such pain. DAMN IT! I hate that there is nothing we can do for your pain. Please know that we think of you often, pray for you always and will be inspired by you forever!
With Love and Blesings,
The Howard Family

Unknown said...

It is amazing what kids (young ladies) can do when they are needed. You are lucky to have three terrific kids, and yes David too. Hope your father is doing well after his surgery. Your mother has her hands full.

Your family is certainly a blessing and having Sheryl next door is an added blessing I am sure.

We enjoyed our day trip with her to the apple farm. I'm sure she gave you some of the tasty apple cider.

Gentle hugs and kisses, Bob and Faye

Kristie Weddell said...

Ditto....I totally agree with Machele, it is so frustrating to hear that your in so much pain, and there is nothing we can do for you. I hope each day it will be a little more comfortable for you to lie down, but until then let Logan cook and pamper you. Your family, they have your back and so do we. Love, The Weddell's

Anonymous said...

I keep checking your page, hoping and praying the news is going to get better. I wholeheartedly wish you could find some relief. It is great news you won't have to make the trip to SF anymore though. I can only imagine how difficult that must be on you and David. Logan always was an amazing person and now she is amazing us all with her love and dedication. Stay strong.

frenchyandcarol said...

Sheri, that darn old hwy 80 is really rough, with all the trucks that travel it. that could be some of the pain that juggleing up and down. after colby had his shunt put in going back and forth to Palo Alto was hard on him. took a few days for him to feel better. we pray after your body settles down you start to feel better and some of the pain will go away.
love and prayers, frenchy and carol

Anonymous said...

Dear Sheri~
I have to agree with Machele, as well. I am so sorry to hear about your pain and lack of physical comfort. I pray daily for your spiritual comfort and healing. Please know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and Blessings,