

Today has been fine, the medication handles my abdominal pain pretty well, but it is the back pain that is hard to get a handle on. It has been worse today and I spend a lot of my day just trying to endure it. I sleep when I can which is nice because I don't feel the pain. My mom came here today to spend the day with me. It is good to have her help and company. I know there are many people who ask about me and pray for me and I want to thank you for that. I really appreciate it.


Lyle and Lori said...

Mom's are definitely a blessing and when they live close, it's an added bonus. We'll pray for peaceful and restful "sleeps". XOPXOP, Lori

the Corkills said...

We have all said it before but man I wish your pain would go away at least for a few days. Thanks for letting Bailey and I come for a visit. She has been wanting to see you for a while and it finally worked out. We are thinking of you.
Love, the Corkills

Tasha said...

You are truly a remarkable, inspiration, kind-hearted women.
So many people care about you and read your blog and are inspired by your words to help us learn to be better people. Thanks for making a difference in our lives. You make this world a brighter place and keep us focused on how to love one another.

Hearty hugs,

The Lowrey's
Fernley, NV

pakowolves said...

We think about you alot and wish your pain were less. It was good that you didn't have to have surgery so soon again. We keep you in our prayers
Love, the Wolfs

Unknown said...

We love you, and pray for you daily. We have shown our Grandsons (Heidi's sons Alex 21 and Nick 16) your photos from some of the old albums. They have really enjoyed looking at them, and hearing old stories. Love Rick and Marsha

Sam Hubbard said...

Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers daily.

The Hubbard's

Unknown said...


I can not believe it...but I do not know what to say! We love you and your family. We pray for you daily and wish there was something...anything, we could do to help.
With love and blessings,

The Howard Family

Kristie Weddell said...

I hate this so much, that you are having to go through all this pain We all wish that there was something we could do for you. I'm glad to hear that your mom is there helping in anyway she can. I'm sure there is no other place she would rather be, then with you. Try to get some rest. Thinking of you all the time. Love, The Weddedd's

Anonymous said...

Your strength is so amazing. Know that you are in my prayers...prayers for healing, relief and strength. Please let me know if there is anything I can do.
Love and Blessings,