
A Room with a View

I've been in the hospital for just over two days now. I still have no release date, but I am in what must be the presidential suite of St. Mary's Hospital. It is an "extended stay" room, which has a table, a few comfy chairs, a microwave, and nice big windows overlooking the front of the building. The microwave must be for the visitors because I am not able to eat while my pancreas is inflammed. I have been having "IV nutrition," but I got to supplemement the IV fluids with an apple juice box today. I will need to be able to eat on my own before I can go home, so with one juice box under my belt, I'm well on my way!

My jaundice level is coming down, but it is still quite elevated. I also got a port put into my arm, so they will be able to easily inject medications when my treatments get started. At least if I am having all these complications, I am glad to be here where I am closely monitored. They prick my finger to check my blood levels every six hours. I don't feel like I'm sleeping too well, but the nurse said I was asleep when she checked on me in the night. Of course, it's not like sleeping in my own bed, but hopefully that will happen soon!

Thanks for the nice thoughts and prayers - I really appreciate it!


Darrin & Misty Alegre Family said...

Gald to hear you have a great room and who wants to eat "hospital" food? When you have the ok to eat again we'll bring you whatever you want.
Love and Prayers
The Alegres

the Corkills said...

Hi Sheri,
We are so sorry for everything that you are going through and hope you get to come home soon. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
The Corkills

Unknown said...

Dear Sheri,

Our very best wishes and prayers are with you for a complete recovery. So hope you will be home soon and feeling so much better. I am so glad that you will be getting the best care! Take care of yourself and give our best to David. Let us know if we can be of help.

Love, Lilla & Woodie

Unknown said...

Hi Sheri,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you, David, Alex, Hadley and Logan. Be Blessed!
The Howard Family

Anonymous said...

Sheri and family~
Neil and I are constantly thinking of you all. Please stay strong for yourself and each other. Our prayers are with you daily. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to give a yell.
Blessings and friendship,
Neil and Tracy Olsen

Rhonda said...

Hello Sheri, I am so happy that I will be able to check on you daily. I usually drive Sheryl or Susan crazy. I saw Hadley today and he was really happy about passing his driving test. I am glad that some things are improving. You are in my and the families prayers every day. Love you Lots Rhonda J. and family

Teri said...

The Sorensen's want to give a quick shout out to the Fab 5 Faught family that we love you and are thinking of you all the time. Sheri you make it sound so grand I love your attitude keep it up. I am still looking forward to reading with you so keep me posted. David keep up the good work and remember we are all just a phone call away. I heard a great quote by David A. Bednar, "do not take council from our fears". Food for thought keep up the good work love and miss you TeRi