
Huge thanks to Julie for finally setting me up with my own BLOG!! It will never be quite like hers but I'll try! Tomorrow all 3 of my kids will be at the High School. I can't believe my oldest Alex is a Senior, Hadley is a Sophmore and my baby, Logan is a Freshman! I see alot of volunteer hours at the High School for myself. Happy first day of school, goodbye long lazy days of summer and hello crazy days!


The Stockards said...

Yay Sheri! so glad to read a post on your blog. Hope everyone had a good first week.

Brandon and Lisa Bird said...

Ya! I am already hooked to your blog and request more updates asap!! How fun to have you as a blogging buddy. Oh, now we have to be careful what we put about our wonderful kitty cats that we love and adore more than life.