
Message From David

Dear Blog Readers,
It is hard for me to put into words what the interest and concern from each of you has meant to Sheri and to me. There was such meaning and support expressed to us with every entry. We read comments from so many people - close friends and those who we didn't really know very well - and it strengthened us. This blog allowed family and friends to participate in this journey and be inspired by Sheri's strength, but at a comfortable distance.
Have you ever cried so much that your eyes are just dry? Well, that's how I have felt sometimes over the past few months. My emotions were so raw at times that I couldn't always read the blog, but every time I did, I drew strength from you. Thank you all for your love and support.
David Faught


Lyle and Lori said...

We love your family.
Lyle, Lori & kids

Brandon and Lisa Bird said...

David, Alex, Hadley, and Logan you are in our constant thoughts and prayers.

The Oney's said...

David, I can't imagine the emotions you have dealt with over the last 6 months. The strenght you and Sheri have shown will impact us daily. You are a rock for your kids...and it shows everyday. Know we are thinking of your family and will do what we can to help you through this. Love The Oneys

beach girl always--at heart said...

In the tender parts of your hearts I pray for the peace our brother said we can have.
We have watched your strength knowing that in the quiet times alone you have felt so helpless. But never giving up hope for a miracle.
We, Carl and I have prayed to know how to help, how to fix it, as we never want to watch someone we love suffer & hurt.
Every morning I drive by to work I want to come over and stay and help.
Nothing is more important than family...family next door or family at church. The love and support we all need, especially at times like this.
I think of the aching you are now feeling and my heart aches with yours.
To know that her aching is over I am sure that gives you great peace..even tho the loneliness is great.
All this makes me really value friendship,brotherhood and sisterhood.
Never has someone shared their road of struggle with me in such a personal way, to carry my heart with her daily, thru it all! I will never be the same. Thank you Sheri!

David, we love you. Alex you are a beautiful reflection of your Mother, Hadley you make your Mother proud, you are a good example and Logan as you struggle thru all this, remember your Mother's strength, you have it in you, she gave it to you....
Peace will come, pray for it, and our hearts are just right next door when you need them.
Love Carl & Leslie

Hanna said...

We love your family and think of you every single day. We pray that Heavenly Father will carry you through this. You are so loved by so many and we all want to help in whatever way we can. We love you.

Daniel and Hanna Perazzo

DeeDee said...

David, Alex, Hadley and Logan,
I have thought about you all just about every moment since I received the news on dear Sheri, I pray that our Heavenly Father will give you comfort and strength in the weeks,months and years to come. Sheri was a absolutely wonderful woman and I am truly blessed to have known her.. My memories of Sheri will forever remain in my heart. She touched many lives with her beautiful smile I will never forget.Sending our Love. DeAnn and Doug Johnson and family

Unknown said...


I can't even began to tell I know what your going through, yes we ceied to the point of no more tears. I didn't know Sheri as well as My family new you. I watched you over the last few months and so a very strong person.Your kids will need that . But you also need to be there for yourself.You were there for me and my daughter and if there is anything we can do for you let us know. You and your family are in my prayers and thoughts every day. Bless you and keep your faith strong. Tracy and the critters

Purrell Family said...

David and Family-
We want to thank you for allowing us to share this journey with you, Sheri and the kids. We will hold dear in our hearts the joyous memories of Sheri. Her friendship was so unconditional and the love toward her family so geniune.

In this time of sorrow, we pray for peace and comfort for you, your family, and friends.

Love The Purrells

CherylV said...

I am sure you know what a special part of my life Sheri has been. We have shared some great times and I will always remember them. Yes you are right, her strength and yours helped us through this journey. You are truly an inspiration to us!

The lasagna's will keep coming as long as you want them!

The Venturacci Family

Anonymous said...

David and family,
I am so sorry. May the Lord keep and bless you all during this time.
Dale Nance

Anonymous said...

David, Alex, Hadley and Logan...

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life and this journey. We, too, love Sheri and are so sorry for your loss. We are praying for your comfort and strength during this difficult time.

With love,
The Howard Family
David, Machele, Morgan, Kenady and Sydney

Unknown said...

Mary has been in touch with Alex and has kept us updated regarding Sheri.
I just wanted to say how saddened we are at the outcome. Thank you for all the kindness and memories my daughter has of spending time with your family...

Janet Ryan

Tony and Terry said...

Dr Faught our hearts break for you and your family. We too feel very blessed to have known and shared Sheri, she was a true inspiration. May God hold you in the palm of his hand, to comfort you and bless you in the times ahead.
Tony & Terry

frenchyandcarol said...

David and Family.
I don't know if you will come back and read any of the blogs. But maybe after a while you will. You might give some thought to printiing out all the blogs, and put in a book, so that in the future your grandchildren can get to know what a very special lady their Gma Sheri was. My heart is so very heavy that i have not been able to come back and see you. It was such a wonderful part of my life to be able to talk to Sheri. Every time i blog her we tried to lift her up a little and instead she was lifting me up and all her friends. I think this is what she intended. Years ago i would look out my back window befor all the stuff was there and before i would go to bed i would ask God to look after Doyle and Sheryl and lessen his pain. In the last six months before i would go to bed i look out the window and could see a little part of your house and i would ask God to be with your family and give Sheri a good nite and to lessen her pain. Now i ask God to give you peace knowing your dearest love is without pain. She will live in yours and the childern hearts forever and she will be in my memory forever. I will never forget her beautiful smile and what a special person she was. she will always be in my memory right there with Dayna. we are just down the road, and will help in any way.
Love to all of you and Gods peace.
Frenchy and Carol

altazor said...

Dear David,

So sorry for your loss. Was bored and googled my name just to see and found your family's blog. I am also LDS (convert for 20 years). I wonder if our lines meet somewhere. Drop me a note, if you like.

David Faught