
Change of Plans

I got a call today from the nurse practitioner at the cancer center in San Francisco. She said that Dr. Warren says that after looking at my information, he thinks my tumors are too out of control and he can't do a liver resection on me. He said it would be too risky and it wouldn't work. At least not until I've had chemo to shrink them.

I reminded her that I can't have chemo until my bilirubin count is down. I asked my questions and she called me back after she'd talked to the doctor again. I reminded her that I am just in a holding pattern, waiting for someone who can do something.

So now we have a new plan: David and I are driving to San Francisco tonight so that we can be there first thing in the morning. We will get my bloodwork done in the morning and then get to our appointment with both Dr. Coe (oncologist) and Dr. Warren (surgeon) at 9:30. It is likely that they will want to re-do my stents. That means that I am packing for the weekend. It is likely I will be there until Saturday. I will report more information when I have it.


Will S. said...

Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers as you head down to S.F. Keep your head high and your faith strong as you continue this journey. Take care and drive safely.
Lots of love,

Grandma Whitaker said...

Hey sheri,
I'am finally able to leave you a message. You are such an amazing fighter and example. I pray for you and your family. They are just as amazing as you. Logan and Hadly were great on the trek.
here is a quote from Spencer W. Kimball " I am positive im my mind that the Lord has planned our destiny. Sometime we'll understand fully, and when we see back from the vantage point of the future, we shall be so satisfied with many of the happenings of this life that are so difficult for us to comprehend.
Diane whitaker(grandma whitaker)

vfowler said...

Sheri & David,
You are both fighters, together the two of you can beat anything. Stay strong and positive. Keep your faith strong. Have a safe trip.

The Fowler's